Merry Christmas everyone!
Hard to believe the time has flown by, but it has, and zowie it's here -almost.
I'm sure the stockings are being hung by those who have chimneys, the cookies are being eaten at an alarming rate with the egg nog, but it's also a time for family, friends, and neighbors to share in the warmth of the days. And living in Florida, warmth is a general term, not hoped for like our Northern neighbors.
This is a friendly reminder of the upcoming happenings.
On Dec. 6, Tuesday evening, 7pm, at the pool, we will be having our Community Meeting with discussions probably focusing on the upcoming elections, as well as other things.
If you want to SEE a change, then you need to attend to get the info and ask questions so we can MAKE a change.
It--- CHANGE--- doesn't happen because we wish for it to happen.
Disney is a magical place, we are fortunate we live so close to it, but it, magic, doesn't happen that way in our HOA community.
We have to work at it.
Board of Directors meeting, the following Monday, Dec. 12. 7pm at the pool
Elections in January.
I have heard some people think this Community meeting as well as the BOD meeting and all the parties is something that will pass in time. I can understand why some would think that, I have heard that some don't want to be bothered, it isn't necessary to attend, things are fine the way they are.
I suppose if you want to see your money being piddled away or wasted, then you are entitled to your opinion. We all are.
I intend on tearing myself away from my TV during a time when my butt would prefer to stay put.
There are reasons for this.
I want our entrance as folks come in to look tidy and presentable, as well as our yards, our yards not looking less than a patchwork quilt, our streets not to be a drag strip to mow down the people leisurely walking their dogs or children.
I want the people in office to be as careful with all of our money like any responsible person would with their own. I choose this, and I know some cannot for reasons of health, or working cannot come, but for some isn't once a month, a sacrifice worth making for the betterment of our community and our investments?
I hope you will choose to come to either or both of the meetings, we'd like to meet you and hear what you have to say.
I intend on tearing myself away from my TV during a time when my butt would prefer to stay put.
There are reasons for this.

I want the people in office to be as careful with all of our money like any responsible person would with their own. I choose this, and I know some cannot for reasons of health, or working cannot come, but for some isn't once a month, a sacrifice worth making for the betterment of our community and our investments?
I hope you will choose to come to either or both of the meetings, we'd like to meet you and hear what you have to say.
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