Monday, October 31, 2011

We GOT this party started!

Did you hear the music?
 You should have, it was awesome!  And it was provided by Italo Rangel..
...didn't know you had a D J in the neighborhood, did ya? ......
The weather cooperated and was simply wonderful after a nasty showing of rain in the morning,  otherwise it would have been the Cabana for all of us.  
The Food Team
There was a plethora of folks that stopped in for conversation not to mention the hot dogs, hamburgers, wings, and a lot of other goodies, some were provided by the attendees and the other

 picked up by recycling some previously donated no longer used old chairs.

I loved seeing all the kids in their costumes bouncing all over, (probably from the candy), lots of it too.
We had ninjas, princesses, nerds, hippies, angels, and more.  There was a treasure hunt with prizes, and they all won with more found candy.  

Our Veterans
I learned something by attending this community function.  I learned we have two Veterans who served in Korea as well as Vietnam.  Can you imagine the events that have occurred in their lives and the history they have to tell?  Amazing. What else is amazing, is they unknowingly  moved in next door to each other. 

It was a nice time, and we're glad you stopped by.  
We should do this again sometime.

A thank you is in order to those who took the time to put this event together.  
The organizer Sophie, the D.J., previously mentioned, to those who drug their grills to the site, Henry and Sheryl and Pat and Denny Viera and Vernon for helping with cooking.
To Barbara J and many others.  Forgive me if I don't have the names correct  or didn't add your name, or the jobs, just know it is all appreciated and every little detail made the difference.
Thank You!

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