Friday, September 30, 2011

October...Good Times

There are two exciting things about to happen for the month of October.
 Exciting for Beacon Hill Community anyway....

1.  On October 22, it's the  Community Yard Sale!  This is exciting because it's time to clean out those drawers, under those beds, closets and spare rooms to make some extra cash.   Believe it or not but the Holidays are upon us.  Christmas is about 2 months away.   The more who participate the better the sale will be for everyone. 
2.  Also at the end of the month, details forthcoming, we'll be having a Halloween Party, with food and treats at the Clubhouse Pool.  Please come and mingle with your neighbors and let the kiddies, big and small alike, grab a few treats.   We hope to see you there.  
Keep your eyes open for the door to door fliers with more info on other happenings as well. 

 Speed and Boylston 
This isn't a practice run for Daytona.
This is home.   
  • There are people out walking babies,
  • kids coming and going to the school bus,
  • people walking the pooches 
  • some out for exercise and
  • kids playing.  

                                                Please watch your speed.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Beacon Hill By Laws

Good News!

The Beacon Hill By Laws will be available soon on the blog.  All 52 pages of them. 

Actually, the best way, I found, to make them available for everyone and easier to read was to put them on Snapfish .  They will be in groups of approximately 20.

Snapfish, for those of you who aren't familiar, is a sight where you upload photos or documents .  
I will have the website address, user / password, and super easy directions  available for everyone.
I'm pretty sure you can print them out, I'll check on that.

They should be ready and available within the week.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

BOD Meeting for 9/12/2011

Thanks to those who attended the BOD meeting to lend support. 

Using the pool/cabana as a meeting place has definitely improved participation and encouraged a more
welcoming atmosphere for residents. 


             Discussed and/or decided:

1.  Swimming pool lights will be replaced, LED lights are being considered.
2.   New house numbers are being considered to meet criteria suggested by fire fighters, law enforcement, medical emergency personnel, etc.
3.    New structures for mail boxes are in the planning for next year's budget.  

           Two new members were appointed to fill the open BOD positions: 
Glynnis Williams as vice president,
Cathy Schofield as treasurer.

A "Beautification Committee" was created
including Vernon Sing, Lori Simmons and Barbara Jahn, chairman. 
The purpose of the committee will be to monitor repairs and improvements in the community and encourage residents to participate in small beautification projects to reduce costs. 

An election committee will be formed to facilitate election of officers for 2012.

Keep checking our blog for new information.

minutes taken for blog by Barbara Jahn

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


                                                    WANTED: USE OF PICKUP.

The HOA replaced the pool lounge chairs and wants to sell the old ones for  
Neighbors have already volunteered their time to remove all of the plastic straps. 
We are looking for someone that would be willing to use their truck 
to haul the stripped chairs  
to the recycling center. 
Volunteer efforts like this will help all of us keep our monthly fees down.

Much appreciated!

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Thank you all for attending the Neighborhood meeting on Tuesday. It is encouraging to see that we continue to have an interested group of residents supporting our efforts to make positive changes in our community.

Barbara Lambert is busy collecting information for her next entry to the Beacon Hill blog.
In a nutshell, here are some of the topics discussed at the meeting which she will post on the blog later and in greater detail:

Neighborhood handyman
The Beacon Hill newsletter
Volunteer teams: 
green team (recycling), 
handyman team (helping our neighbors), 
beautification team (small maintenance needs in the community)
blog team (assisting Barbara Lambert in gathering information for the blog and lending support),
Community yard sale (coming up in October).
Committees: Architectural, Landscaping, Nominating (for 2012 BOD election of officers in Jan.)

Look for the next posting on the blog which will also include news of the next BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING: MONDAY, SEPT 12, - 7:00 PM at the POOL.

Please note that Anne Smith has some email addresses which she gathered at the BOD meeting July 11. I do not have a few of those addresses. I have asked Anne to email her list to me but as yet she has not. So if you know someone in the community who fits this situation, please encourage them to send an email to me so I can get them included in my distribution list.

See you on Monday.

Barbara Jahn